The 200ADM-P is a current injection system with a wide range of advanced features including phase shift, data storage and harmonic
analysis. The unit has a range of outputs allowing injection of currents between 1mA and 200A. Voltages up to 240V are available on the main outputs allowing high impedance current relays to be tested. True RMS metering with single cycle capture is provided. 4 current ranges allow the full scale of the meter and trip level to be set independently of the selected output. Industry standard safety connectors are used throughout for safe, reliable convenience.
The unit has a comprehensive timing system linked to the outputs allowing trip times, reset times and reclose times to be quickly measured to a high degree of accuracy. The timer includes a current operated mode and can accurately test instantaneous trips. Two USB host sockets are provided to connect a memory key, keyboard or printer. Results of every test can be stored to the memory key in spreadsheet format for later analysis. The keyboard allows entry of a comment against each result. In addition a graphics file of the waveform may be stored to the memory key. Harmonic analysis results can also be recorded.
The 200ADM-P has a flexible auxiliary AC output that can be used at up to 260V for voltage relays or up to 10A for current relays. The phase and frequency of this output are fully adjustable. This combination of voltage and current allows testing of relays that require two voltages, one voltage and one current or two currents. An auxiliary metering module is provided that meters AC and DC voltage, current and frequency from the auxiliary outputs or external signals. The module can also take measurements in conjunction with the main current output to meter phase angle, power, impedance, CT ratio and harmonics. A variable stabilised DC supply with current limit is provided to power the relay under test.
200ADM-P Applications
IEEE no. Type
21 Distance protection (phase at a time)
24 Volts/Hz
25 Check sync
27/59 Under/over voltage
32/P/Q Directional power
37 Under-current/power
40 Field relay
46N Negative sequence
overcurrent relay
50/76 Instantaneous overcurrent
50 Ground fault relay
50V Voltage restrained overcurrent
51 IDMT overcurrent relay
55 Power factor relay
59G Neutral voltage displacement
67 Directional overcurrent
67N Directional ground fault
78 Phase angle
79 Auto recloser
81 Under/over frequency
85 Pilot wire relay
86 Lockout relay
87 Differential relay
91 Directional voltage relay
92 Power directional relay
94 Tripping relay
Voltage regulating relay
Miniature circuit breakers
Thermal relays
CT mag curves
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